Friday 22 May 2020


Hi All

We've had a great week back. We have been so impressed with the children's independence in the morning and getting themselves organised for the day and they are particularly proud of themselves.
Let's keep it going next week!

Just some reminders:

Please return poetry books that are still in lockdown. Lots of children didn't have their books today.

Reading books are coming home next week as per usual. So if reading folders are still in lockdown can you please send them back to school.

As you will be aware from Mike Andersons email you are able to come onto the school grounds after 8.30am on Monday. One person per family please. You must sign in and you are unable to enter any buildings. However, you can purchase a coffee to support our PTA. Please don't mingle in groups. In the afternoon you can enter the school at 2.55pm and sign in but you must be off the school grounds by 3.10pm.

The new 'normal' of arriving and departing school has been a really positive experience for the children because they have the security of you dropping them off and being where you say you are going to be at the end of the day. They have unpacked their bags and put their own belongings in the correct places in the room and what it has meant is that the children then know where their things are. e.g. reading folders, fruit break. We would like to see this momentum continue.

Enjoy your weekend.

Kirsty and Tracy

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