Wednesday 6 May 2020

Term 2 Week 4 - Wednesday 6 May

Term 2 Week 4 - Wednesday 6th May

Today’s song
You tube: Tutira Mai.
Ma is white-Poppet Stars
This week’s challenges:
Lego Challenge
Ideas for the week: 
(you do not have to do all of them)
Monday - design the new Waimairi School
Tuesday - design a space scene
Wednesday - design a water park
Thursday - design a treasure island
Friday - your choice

Board Game
Play a board game with someone in your family. Follow the instructions and remember to take turns.
Continue to practise your talent.

Cosmic Yoga - Popcorn the dolphin

Go on a virtual field trip to the San Diego Zoo.

Look out for the Seesaw link and complete the follow up activities.

Which animal is your favourite?
Listen to the story -The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Continue to use:
Oxford Reading Tree


Reflection Symmetry.

Over the next two days you can choose one of the activities per day to explore symmetry and post them on Seesaw.

Parents/Caregivers: Please encourage the use of the vocabulary related to symmetry such as reflection, line, half, match etc.

Symmetrical Patterns

Can you make a symmetrical pattern? You can use anything you have in your house. Can you locate the line of symmetry using a mirror or placing a straw, skewer,pencil, ice-block stick along the time of symmetry.

Splodge Pictures

Fold a piece of A4 paper or draw a line down the middle.

Paint splodges and patterns on one side of the paper.

The paper is then folded to create the matching pattern on the other side of the paper.

Write a caption about your picture or describe how both sides are the same or say something about the process for making the picture.

Place Mats

Fold a half A4 piece of paper in half one way and then the other.

They cut out shapes on the folds.

Unfold the shapes and mount them on paper with a contrasting colour.

Identify the lines of symmetry by drawing them in with a coloured pen.

You may want to use more folds and so create a more complicated pattern.

Leaf Lines

Use those leaves outside and explore the symmetry of different type of leaves. Put your leaves on a tray to display them and use straws or string to show the lines of symmetry found.


Use playdough or similar to show the line of symmetry. You might like to make leaves, clocks, buildings.  

Look in a mirror.   

Look in a mirror to see if both sides of your face are the same.

 Ask for a picture of your face only. If your family doesn’t have one maybe there is a picture in a book or online.  Place a piece of paper on half of the picture. The edge of the paper is the line of symmetry. Now you need to draw the other side. Add details like hair,eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, glasses.

Remember to post your symmetrical activity on Seesaw.



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