Thursday 30 April 2020

Term 2 Week 3 - Friday 1 May

Term 2 Week 3- Friday 1st May

Today’s song
Bad Hair Day
The Cat Came Back
Look at the Home Learning Channel.

Dress up in your craziest outfit.

Check out the Seesaw link so you can  show us your BAD HAIR for today.
Youtube: We are going a little crazy today, even though it’s not Christmas look up the song Just Dance Santa and get your groove on!!!

Go Noodle: Maximo, Twist and Shout (Mrs Campbell’s favourite!)
Show and Tell

Draw a map of your bedroom -What’s in there?

Video your bedroom and take us on a tour. Upload to Seesaw.
Why not draw a cute marshmellow, click on the link below:

Possible ideas:
-make your own playdough
-make Anzac biscuits
-make/draw your own poppy flower
-make a card for someone else
-draw someone a picture
-if you have chalk make an art display on your driveway

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Term 2 Week 3- Thursday 30 April

Today’s song
Dad I want to be a camel
Sausages and Custard
This week’s challenges:
Lego Challenge
Ideas for the week: 
(you do not have to do all of them)
Tuesday - Create a river scene with bugs and insects.
Wednesday - Create a garden with minibeasts and plants.
Thursday - Create a wacky scientist in his lab.
Friday - Your choice.

Ideas for the week:

-Youtube: How to draw…(choose something you like e.g. unicorn, army tank, superhero)
-Sketch a family member or pet
-Sketch your favourite type of fruit
-Sketch a tree, flower, leaf, bug
 -Sketch an Anzac Soldier, Poppy, Battleship, Tank
Youtube: Choose a different Cosmic kids yoga.

Go Noodle: Check out Maximo and all his crazy dances. Our favourite is the Maxarena.
- A Seesaw link will be sent to you. Watch the little movie called ‘Soar’, it is all about a Flying Adventure and follow the activities after.
Youtube: Storyline online, enjoy listening to a favourite story.

Continue to use either:
Oxford Reading Tree
Sunshine Online



Making Clocks

In this activity you are going to create your own clocks. You will need to go on a clock making hunt and see what you can find around the house that you can use.

  1. Look at the clocks and discuss with an adult what you’ll need.
    - A large and a small hand fixed at the centre.
    - Digits 1 to 12.
  2. Discuss ideas for positioning the numbers evenly around the clock.
  3. Create your clock. 
  4. Now use the clocks to show hour and then half-hour times.

Term 2 Week 3 - Wednesday 29 April

Term 2 Week 3- Wednesday 29th April

Today’s song
The big numbers song
Counting to 100 with Jack Hartmann
This week’s challenges:
Lego Challenge
Ideas for the week: 
(you do not have to do all of them)
Wednesday - Create a river scene with bugs and insects.
Thursday - Create a garden with minibeasts and plants.
Friday - Your own choice

Ideas for the week:

-Youtube: How to draw…(choose something you like e.g. unicorn, army tank, superhero)
-Sketch a family member or pet
-Sketch your favourite type of fruit
-Sketch a tree, flower, leaf, bug
 -Sketch an Anzac Soldier, Poppy, Battleship, Tank
Cosmic Kids Yoga
Youtube: Cosmic kids yoga

Make a sock ball by rolling a pair of socks up into a tight ball. Practise overarm or underarm throwing by aiming to get it into a bucket or large bowl. 

You can change the distance to make it more challenging or have a series of 3 buckets/bowls at different distances with the furthest away worth 3 points and the closest worth 1 point. 
See if you can make a score of 10

It’s recount writing today. You have all met Helen’s dog Frank. Remember he came to visit us at school. Well, Frank likes to look after himself, especially his teeth! 

Follow the link on Seesaw and tell us what you think happened first, next, then and finally.
Youtube: search phonics cvc songs

Continue to use either:
Oxford Reading Tree
Sunshine Online



In this activity we are going to draw some analog clocks. Get a tin of baked beans or similar and draw 6 circles on a piece of paper or you might like to draw large circles outside with chalk. Find a clock in your house with the numbers around in a circle. That clock is called an analog clock or get an adult to get you a picture of an analog clock.
What do you all know about clocks?
What does a clock look like?
You need to write the numbers from 1 to 12 on your clock.
Look carefully at the analog clock you have and find on your circle the place where the 12 will go. The 12 goes at the top. Find the place where the 3, 6 and 9 will go. Then fill in the other numbers. Get an adult to help you if you get stuck.
Do this on each of the circles.
Now you need to draw the hands of the clock. One is big and one is small. So let’s practise. On the first circle if you draw the big hand pointing to the 12 it means we will practise o’clock. Get your small hand to point to the 3.
That’s 3 o’clock.
Practise  1 o’clock 8 o’clock   11 o’clock  6 o’clock   12 o’clock
If you want to;
Now draw 6 more circles and we’ll practise half past. When the clock reads half past the big hand is on the 6.
Practise Half past 4   Half past 9  Half past 10  Half past 12  Half past 6
Watch your clocks at home during the day and see if you can tell the adults in your house when it is o’clock or half past.

Tuesday 28 April 2020

More photos -enjoy!










Selection of Photo's from last week - Enjoy seeing your friends!








Ethan's leaf man




Addi's project









Happy Birthday Jack!

More to come...